He is always smiling with his funny look. He’s Richard. He is 14 years old and has lived on the street for more than 15 months, abandoned to himself. Richard tries to survive in this hostile environment with great courage and positivity despite his young age. Richard is passionate about the profession of freight forwarder. He dreams of being able to wear the forwarder’s access badge to the autonomous port of Lomé.
Unfortunately the future seems to darken for Richard, his joy in life gradually dissipates in a sadness that does not say his name. She has been diagnosed with end-stage chronic renal failure and her life prognosis is underway. With the support of Hälsa International Togo, Richard was able to carry out the first diagnostic examinations. He started replacement therapy on dialysis but today the resources are exhausted and Richard’s treatment is interrupted while waiting for the necessary resources to resume medical treatment.
In parallel, actions are carried out to organize an international renal transplant. This surgery is essential for Richard’s survival.
Richard has no one to help him. His family is the street, his house is the street. The street sums up the world of this 14 year old kid. Today only our generosity can help Richard fight for life.

We need 5,627 euros to continue dialysis treatment over the next six months as well as to carry out compatibility tests for an intra-family renal transplant. There are many these children who live on the street and who die from even the most benign diseases due to lack of means in total indifference. Let’s not let Richard be part of it. We are counting on each of you and we are sure that you will be able to help us and that you will allow Richard to hope to find a “normal” life like all other children. Together we can help Richard in his fight against time and disease.
Also support this COMBAT on social networks by widely disseminating this call for donations. Thank you for taking the time to read our story. We thank you in advance for your donations and your solidarity.
For your donations, go to this link: https://www.helloasso.com/associations/halsa%20international%20france/collectes/ensemble-sauvons-richard
If you have additional questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us: info@halsainternational.org
Phone: +22891244231