Gwei Noel Yengong or Manlikeclix is a clothing lover. He has style and that is indisputable. Known for his unique combinations, Gwei Noel Yengong is now a Creative Director at Alessandro Veneto. What is so special about this
character who is a fan of dapper? Let us find out together!
Hello sir! Please introduce yourself to our readers!
I am Gwei Noel Yengong, a digital marketer, fashion designer and image
consultant of Cameroon origin based in Europe. Very passionate about
selfcare and image representation.
Our readers and of course much of Africans are probably discovering you for the first time. Tell us how did you get into the world of styling? Tell us about your journey!
Well, my styling journey was highly influenced by my late uncle Mr Nzante Spee
one of the greatest painters Cameroon ever had. I used to admire his style as a
kid growing up and wanted to be exactly like him. So, when I moved to Europe,
I found an interest in helping people look their best so I decided to study
fashion design and image consulting in London fashion school in 2015. I
started my social media pages that helped me push my career to the next level.

Gwei Noel Yengong is your real identity. And Manlikeclix your stage name. Why Manlikeclix?
Manlikeclix as a stage “Clix” was a name given by my friends back in high
school from Clicks, due to the fact that I was the first person who could operate
computers when we first had them back in high school. So, when I travelled to
London “Manlike” was added to it which is term that means “I’m not a boy
anymore, I’m a man now “.
An image consultant and e-marketer who has become a model designer. What triggered this new direction?
I have always wanted to design my own clothes and shoes so when I got to
Europe the journey was to be able to wear something that reflects me and
where I’m from.
In preparing for this interview, you informed us that your uncle, the great painter Sunday Nzante Spee, has something to do with it. Can you tell us how he influenced your life and your career?
My late uncle Nzante Spee I would say has been the pinnacle of my inspiration,
as a kid. He was the hottest and stylish man we knew. Seeing him looking
unique inspired me to want to look like him. So, I started dressing like him until
when I was 20, I found my style that goes well with me still it is still part of my
late uncle Nzante Spee. That is how much he has influenced me.
Design/Trends, fashion, style, are words that often come up in the world of clothing. How to tell the difference between fashion and styling?
Fashion would be defined as a trend or trends in clothing meanwhile style is
more about the creativity put together of clothing with or without a trend. It is
often said “Fashion is general meanwhile style is personal “.
Recently you got a contract with the only Italian specialist brand for men, Alessandro Veneto, as Creative Director. What does this mean to you?

This actually means a lot to me. It means I have been giving a lifetime
opportunity to create and design a new world via style and creativity,
highlighting the uniqueness every gentleman should pursue.
With you, can we say that Cameroon dethrones the DRC in the field of “stylism”?
With or without me, Cameroon dethrones RDC. The only problem we
have in Cameroon is an exposure platform which is why I created an
annual event called League of Gentleness that exposes men and women
of class and style. Previous event was Feb 29th in Douala, next edition
19th December.
Great! We will talk about the League of Gentleness next ! Your friends nicknamed you “the most stylish man of 2020”, what do you have to say about it?
It is safe to say that I’m the most stylish in 2020 and beyond for a simple
reason “ I bring uniqueness and charisma yet to be seen in an African “. I came
up with a style called Afro fusion which is a blend between African fabric and
Italian styles like never seen before.
Do you have a site selling the wetsuits/combinations you wear? In case a reader wants to look like Manlikeclix!
www.alessandroveneto.com. This brand only sells from 1-11th of every month
then it is sold out the whole month.

African youth suffers from benchmarks/directions and references. What do you plan to bring to this youth through your career?
My dream is to employ at least 89 youths before or at 35yrs old ( you probably
wondering why 89? ) my grand-ma died at 89 and she was so special to me,
since she enjoyed helping people to pay tribute to her would be to employ this
number of people that reflects her existence.
The last word to end this interview?
My last words would be “Never let them tell you, you can’t do it”. I could have
given up when they told me: “Fashion and style wouldn’t take you anywhere”
But today I had the pleasure to design for 2Face , Alex Song , styled
Magasco , Jovi , made a guess appearance in Blanche Bailey ft Neglect
music video and many more. Thanks again for having me!
To contact Gwei Noel Yengon aka Manlikeclix
Facebook : The Noel Closet
Instagram : ManLikeClix