Fulbright 75 au Togo – MyAfricaInfos
The Fulbright program is 75 years old. Deployed in more than 160 countries including Togo. Fulbright now has more than 400,000 beneficiaries. On 25 June, a ceremony was held in the auditorium of the University of Lomé to celebrate this international exchange program. An important point was made about the benefits of this program in the lives of the beneficiaries. We offer you in this article an overview of some experiences and actions carried out by Fulbrighters from Togo.
Fulbright is a flagship international exchange program of the U.S. State Department launched by President Harry S. Truman on August 1, 1946, in the aftermath of World War II. Organized around a central theme: “IMPACT: 75 years of global action, opportunities and connections“, virtual and in person activities and events marked the celebration of the 75th anniversary of the Fulbright program since January 2021 in the USA and in more than 160 partner countries around the world.

On the celebration of the 75th anniversary of the Fulbright program, the academic and American authorities in Togo joined their energy with that of the beneficiaries based in Togo and in the diaspora to make this day a pleasant memory. In turn, imminent personalities gave speeches including Professor Guilaume Ketoh; Director of Information, External Relations and Cooperation (DIRCCOOPS) at the University of Lome, Professor Kafui Kpegba; Vice-President of the University of Lomé and His Excellency Mr Eric Stromayer; the U.S. Ambassador in Togo.
These and many other personalities welcomed the Fulbright program and invited the beneficiaries to make good use of it.

Ambassador Eric Stromayer mentioned the essential objective of this fellowship programme. “It is an international academic exchange program with an ambitious goal: to increase mutual understanding and support friendly and peaceful relations between the peoples of the United States and those of other countrie“; he said.
If Professor Guillaume Ketoh think that, “becoming a Fulbrighter means entering a diverse community of accomplished individuals“, Vice-President Kafui Kpegba recalled the fact that the Fulbright scholarship has “allowed its laureates to continue their master’s, doctoral and postdoctoral studies in large and prestigious American universities“.
Some actions of former Togolese beneficiaries of the Fulbright program
AFBT: Associations of Fulbright Fellows of Togo (AFBT) carries out several actions on the ground. Some time ago, she planted trees and installed garbage cans to help clean up the environment of the University of Lome.
Grain de Sel Togo: The Grain de Sel Togo organization (GDS Togo) awards scholarships to students from the Universities of Lomé and Kara. Some of the beneficiaries of these scholarships are now in France and the United States. The activities of grain de sel Togo are not limited to the granting of scholarships. GDS Togo also organizes training workshops and seminars and makes donations of school supplies and furniture to schools. This organization by its actions helped to open a public high school. Many with the collaboration of the Universities of Togo and Kara. Grain de Sel Togo is an initiative of Dr. Brad Hounkpati.
ATLCES: Togolese association for the fight against school failure (ATLCES), supports students through the payment of their school fees. In addition, ATLCES has assisted in the establishment of a general education college through its members. Dr Komi Begedou is the head of the ATLCES.
Among the many actions of former Fulbright fellows, we can also count the donation of books to the public universities of Togo.
During the celebration of this June 25, several beneficiaries of this program expressed their gratitude to the American State without forgetting the Togolese one for this beautiful collaboration that brought a special important touch to their professional career. These former fellows include Dr. Dr Pimam Manzi Pidalatan ; Mr Begninou Yehadji ; Dr Kokouvi M d’Almeida ; Dr Senam Sedzro ; Dr Komi Begedou ; Mr Hayibo Koami ; Dr Tewero Tchekpassi ; Dr Brad Hounkpati.
At the end of this celebration, a solemn appeal was made to the winners of this program to take action to give back to the Togolese community what they have been able to benefit from.
Learn more about the Fulbright program: www.us.fulbrightonline.org