A woman entrepreneur and a happy woman, this is the essence of the concept developed by Elisabeth Kounou. This young woman of Cameroonian origin is a technology and digital enthusiast. Femmepreneuse Academy is a training centre through which Elisabeth shares her passion and love for digital marketing.
In the first part of this interview to (re)read here, Elisabeth Kounou told us why and how she came to set up the Academy of the Woman Entrepreneur and Happy. Today, she talks to us about the services of this structure whose mission is to popularize digital technology for women.
Academy of the Woman Entrepreneur and Happy, what do you propose in concrete terms?
At the beginning it was therefore online training. The concept has evolved considerably. At first it’s just a Club. People can register online. They just put their email address and first name to be part of the club. Then, they regularly receive my newsletter. Then club members can decide to register for online training to improve their visibility on the Internet.
These are online training courses that are dedicated to different aspects of digital communication so it can be Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, it can be training dedicated to SEO, WordPress website creation, it can also be training dedicated to digital strategy in general or community management more precisely. So it was mainly online because I only wanted to work remotely.
The more my company evolves, the more I am today in a dynamic of combining the online system with the classroom and therefore the Femmepreneuse Academy is also workshops or training in classroom, intra or inter-company, in which I offer training on the same subjects.
Brune Magazine talks about the Digital Coach
So, for the past year, I have been creating the training centre with all the administrative paperwork involved. It is a training centre that is referenced at the Datadock, so it allows people who are financed to be accommodated for their training either by the Pôle Emploi or by their employers. There is really an evolution in the way I imagined the Femmepreneuse Academy.
Indeed, information or digital is a pet peeve for many women, even the most connected.
How do you manage to remove this fear from the mind of a person who approaches you for the very first time?
Precisely because I noticed this fear, this apprehension about everything that is technical, everything that is related to digital, I created this training. I am used to working with children in another of my activities and so I have this patience, I really go step by step and at the pace of my students, trainees and clients.
How do I manage to de-stress customers, to take the drama out of the web?
It is by inviting my clients to have fun, to play, to find their child’s soul. They say that the truth comes out of the children’s mouths because there is no filter, we are in spontaneity, in authenticity, in play, in fun.
We are carefree and therefore all these values are values that I invite my clients to find because that’s what will allow them to have fun with the web and to say to themselves, “It’s true that I don’t know anything about it, but I’m going to learn. It’s like a new game I’m discovering. As in any game, there are rules so I just have to learn them and over time my level will increase.
Here it is a game, we’re here to have fun, we’re not going to try to go faster than the music, it’s useless. Everyone has their own rhythm and that’s enough. This is really my main message, “Have fun with the web and if you see that a tool or platform doesn’t suit you (Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, etc.) don’t go, have fun with the platforms that suit you.
The initial goal in approaching my clients is to see which platforms best suit them and how best to communicate for them. Some will prefer writing with blogs, others will prefer video, others still others the podcast, so I adapt to each one and the key word is really the game, not taking yourself seriously and going there.
Moreover, we can see that 2-year-olds, when they are given a tablet, they manage to use them naturally. That’s because they don’t hesitate, they click everywhere to see what’s going on and the machine doesn’t explode in their hands. This is what I often explain when I laugh at my clients.
Digital is on the rise. Is it by design that your courses are virtual?
Yes, it’s been a few years since I started the Femmepreneuse Academy. At the beginning, my classes were mainly virtual but not because it was on the rise, it was because I wanted to have this lifestyle that was to be able to travel, to travel the world while managing my clients from all over the world. Digital is perfect for that. Whether in Brazil, Thailand, Hong Kong or Cameroon, I can continue to communicate with my customers online. So my main reason was really because I wanted to have the freedom to travel everywhere while continuing to grow my business.
How are your courses going?
A little earlier I talked about it a little bit. My courses take place in person or online. Online it is a series of videos more or less long. Depending on the theme, there are more or less videos. Then it is the people who decide to move forward at their own pace. If they have any questions, I answer them either directly or by email or video so that everyone can benefit from them, if they are questions that come up often. In personals, it depends. There are one-day training sessions, three-hour workshops, two-day training sessions, five (5), seven (7). It depends on the subject, the profile of the entrepreneur, the profile of the client.
You also offer classroom courses. Where do they take place?
The classroom courses are mainly in Paris and I also did some in Nice. I do them everywhere. I recently went to Guadeloupe, I set up a special workshop there. If I have specific requests about France I also do so. So it really depends on the needs. As soon as there is demand, and at least one group of three is formed, I travel to provide face-to-face training.
Translated from French : http://bit.ly/Coachdigitale