The Africa Women Conference (AWC) is putting together an online gathering to discuss solutions to the socio-economic challenges arising from the Coronavirus pandemic.
Over the past years, the Africa Women Conference (AWC) has been embarking on activities geared towards creating a platform for women from African descent to come together and bring their individual expertise, be it formal or informal, to bear in getting relief and economic empowerment for the less privileged in the society.
Owing to the excruciating socio-economic effects the COVID-19 has had on the African society, the non-governmental organization has deemed it fit to hold a zoom conference in view of finding the way forward. Ten influential women from different walks of life and countries have been impaneled to discuss ʽʽ Exploring Post COVID-19 economic recovery, legislations and social advocacy through the gender lens.ʼʼ
The rendezvous is on the 7th June 2020 at 7 pm West African Time via Zoom. Registration can be done via here.
For more information kindly visit www.africa-womenconference.org