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Author: Essenam K²

Essenam K²

Web Journalist and CEO of MyAfricaInfos.com, En.MyAfricainfos.com MyAfricaShop MyAfricaTV

AFWO : Come discover the treasures of African fashion!

The Africa Fashion Week Omaha (AFWO) is planned by AFROMAHA (Africans of Omaha). This first edition is meant to be a meeting of exchange and celebration of African fashion based on the Ankara prints. (more…)

Nigeria/ The “LagosPhoto Festival” opens from 27 October to 15 November 2018

The economic capital of Nigeria, Lagos has been hosting the international Festival of Photography for 9 years. The tradition will be respected this year. (more…)

Don’t want u back, the new video clip of MissLie

I don’t want you back is talking about relationship, love, heartbroken, failure to understand each other, rejection, and moving on with out looking back. Songwriter: MissLie Facebook: MissLie The Artist Instagram: @misslie19 Web: www.misslie.com

Britain Accuses Ghana Lawmakers of Visa Fraud

The British authorities have accused three members of Ghana’s Parliament and a former lawmaker of visa fraud, saying the men abused their diplomatic privileges to help people travel to Britain. (more…)

CAF Elections 2017: Issa Hayatou seeks a new mandate as president

Leaders of African football will meet on March 16th in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, to elect, the ones to take up leadership positions within CAF for the period of 2017-2021, including that of the presidency.  (more…)

The Senegalese Ousmane Sow is sadly gone!

The famous sculptor Ousmane Sow passed on, on Thursday, December 1st in Dakar in his 81st year. (more…)

Ghana/ Is Ghana about to face yet another disappointment?

With Ghana picking up just a point in their home game against Uganda and failing to pick any point at all against Egypt, does it mean the end of the road for them with regards