Dear Nigerians in Diaspora,
When you tell Nigerians in Nigeria that ‘Juju’, with craft and ‘village people’ are not real, what exactly do you mean!
I have a problem with Nigerians who relocate abroad, acclimatize and feel they know better than Nigerians at home especially when it has to do with culture and traditions.
When you tell a pregnant woman that she’s stupid for ‘hiding’ her pregnancy, when you say Black magic isn’t real, when you say ‘Provide scientific proof that juju is real’, when you say ‘it’s all in our head’. Excuse me!!! Keep quiet please!!!
Last I checked, you were in Nigeria and you never visited your home town, why! You hid your own pregnancy till the baby dropped. Why? You kept vital information about yourself and family to yourself. Why! Even when you were processing your papers to abscond, you told no one. We only saw your pictures after you landed safely. Please tell us why?
H.Y.P.O.C.R.I.T.E !!!
Is it not the same village people we’re all avoiding?
H.Y.P.O.C.R.I.T.E !!!
Then you travel abroad and tell us that we’re abnormal for acknowledging that black Magic is real.
Evil will continue to exist alongside good. Black magic is as real as the very air that you breathe.
I have seen it, I have experienced it over and over again and I know that things are not always as they seem. Check up the word ‘Supernatural’. Block head!!!
This is Africa. An average African is more interested in the dark arts than education. #Fact
I’ve been a victim of psychic attacks. When I was pregnant for my daughter, I would see entities come in my dream with surgical equipments and try to force me into a theater room, so the baby would be removed. Over and over and over again. I was constantly ill. In and out of the hospital almost every week, The doctors had no idea what was wrong with me but I knew what my problem was and where it was coming from.
If I had lost that child, and I told you it was village people, shey you for knack my head. But then, it’s the truth. Only that, it CAN’T be proved.
I’m an ECKIST. I kept fighting. We all hang on to something of a higher power for protection. Whatever works for you is fine. I am one with the ECK.
When you see someone going though these episodes, which by the way are mentally and emotionally draining, send love their way, pray for them if you want to, instead of asking for proof and saying it’s all in the head.