With the main objective of promoting endogenous values and cultural pan-Africanism, the African Lifestyle Show is intended to be a meeting point for stakeholders as far as fashion, Style and African art are concerned. Lomé, the Togolese capital will host the 3rd edition of this festival.
Launched in 2016 in Abidjan (Cote d’Ivoire) by the talented ONENEY, the “African Lifestyle Show (ALS)” is an event that aims at exposing products and creations of African talents in the context of African culture. It is also a framework meant to make Africans love and buy into the concept of “Made in Africa”.
The festival is held every year in Abidjan and once every two years in some other country to promote better African integration. This year, Togo has been chosen to host the first international ALS edition.
So, from the 6th to the 8th July 2018, Lomé will be hosting the 3rd edition of the African Lifestyle Show (ALS). This year’s meeting is under the theme: “Making arts in Africa, a more professional sector”.
This will be an opportunity for fashion men and women, stylists, craftsmen as well as props persons to showcase their talents to the world once again.
Several activities will be part of the program namely training workshops and exhibitions. ALS3 will see two fashion shows including an innovation. This is the contest parade for the “ALS Award for Afro-ethnic fashion hope”. Called “The BLACK PARTY” this evening will see the presentation of ethnic outfits made of woven loin cloth, loin wax, straw, cowry, African beads and other African materials. The basic theme of this contest is: “HERITAGE”.
Who can participate in the African Lifestyle Show?
The main target of this event is made up of artisans, sculptors, painters, make-up artists, photographers, props persons and all lovers of African art and more particularly Togolese art.
However, a cordial invitation is given out to African, European, American and other foreign communities to make this meeting a moment of sharing and that of cultural exchange. It will also be an opportunity to lay the groundwork for a better export of typically African products.
Douayelet Leslie Jocelyne alias ONENEY is a fashion designer and props girl from Côte d’Ivoire. ONENEY, which means ‘’beautiful woman with good heart” in a local Ivorian language, is also the name of the designer’s clothing line. Beyond the African Lifestyle Show, ONENEY is also a promoter of other events such as Adjafi Fashion Night and Noël en chœur (Christmas in chorus).
Her main mission is to share her love for humanity, but also to instill in these activities the values of entrepreneurship, self-help, and training of young people and especially of women.
For information on registrations and programs, the communication service is available via the following links:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ALS2017/
Contact WhatsApp: + 228 98 00 08 51
E-mail: oneney.events@gmail.com
Kindly note that the deadline for registration of fashion designers is April 30th, 2018!